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A plant ideally suited to cooler temperatures and weaker sunlight, the cyclamen looks beautiful amongst fallen leaves.


Gina said...

I adore cyclamens..yours is beautiful Louise..maybe I should try growing one outside..I've managed to kill every single one inside so far! Gx

VP said...

I love Cyclamen - they're so cheerful at this time of year and their marbled leaves add interest when there's no flower too. Practically perfect plants!

Suzanne said...

Your cyclamen looks great, I always give my mum one in July and she puts it outside after flowering but it ends up dying.

The Dutchess said...

Its lovely...there is a white one on my livingroom table.

Suburbia said...

So wonderful to see any sort of flower in the garden this time of year. A lovely photo :)

Heather said...

Lovely photo, they almost look a bit speckled. I really love the pattern on the leaves too.
This weekend I was putting greenery and pinecones into my front planter box and noticed that my violets are still in bloom too, I imagine the -9 weather we are supposed to get tomorrow might do them in though.

Simone said...

A nice little splash of colour.

Elizabeth said...

Utterly seasonal and charming.

Matron said...

Those cyclamen are lovely. Anything that brings colour to a garden this time of year is worth its weight in gold!

Anonymous said...

Cyclamen are so lovely, I love the tiny ones.

Anonymous said...

I think it looks rather magical! Very pretty indeed.


In Canada they only sell this plant in florist shops in pots for gifts and I have given it many times to friends and family. Does it grow all year round in English gardens?


VP said...

Hi Louise,

Hope you are well. Do have a great Christmas!


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Sending our best wishes for a most Happy Christmas!!

Suzanne said...

I have an award on my blog for you.

I hope everything has been OK and you had a great Christmas and New Year.

Wholesale Nursery said...

The cyclamen has a very nice bloom. Sorta reminds me of a vinca minor bloom. And the leaf belongs to the rattlesnake plaintain family, or though it has characteristics as though it does.