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Today I re-visited Ramsters, a beautiful mature woodland garden, south of Chiddingfold in Surrey.

Today I heard, what was for me, the first Cuckoo call of the year, which famously heralds the arrival of Summer here in the UK.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, what do you do?
In April I open my bill
In May I sing night and day
In June I change my tune
In July away I fly
In August go I must - Anonymous

I must say I felt honoured to hear the unmistakable two note call of the male Cuckoo, a sound rapidly disappearing from our countryside.

Have you heard a Cuckoo this year? Please leave a vote in my June poll on the sidebar. (Yes - 4, No - 10)

Do I like the Cuckoo? I'm in two minds.

here to watch a short clip of how this secretive bird behaves - and that of the Cuckoo Duck! - narrated by David Attenborough. I'd love to hear from you with your thoughts?

Take a woodland walk through Ramsters, a peaceful and tranquil setting covering twenty acres, originally laid out in the early years of the century by Gauntlett Nurseries of Chiddingfold.
Not only is this a garden of rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias and magnolias, it features many rare trees and shrubs, wildflower areas, ponds and a bog garden.


Flighty said...

I'm always in two minds about the cuckoo. Mind you if Springwatch last night is anything to go by then it is a very popular bird! xx

life in red shoes said...

I've been missing you and your beautiful pictures and prose. Here where I live we watch for the Robin, he tells that spring is not far off.
Summer is heralded in by the Red Wing Blackbird, I love his call. We know that things are getting warmer when the Redwings take flight, they don't take to the heat!

Suburbia said...

Naughty birds but only doing what they are genetically programmed to do I suppose. I like to hear them though. Unfortunately, living in the suburbs, I haven't heard one for sometime.

nikkipolani said...

My, those colours are gorgeous, Louise! I esp like the last photo -- are they some kind of bulb or rhododendron?

walter and me said...

I've not yet heard a cuckoo, I normally would have by now. Interesting clip, thanks for the link!
I do love that sound 'cuc-koo' but maybe that's the best bit about this bird!

Renaissance said...

I haven't heard a cuckoo since I left school, I think they used to come to the school grounds.

periwinkle said...

I'm very sad to say I've never heard or seen a cuckoo apart from on the telly, maybe one day ?

Selfsewn said...

Hi Louise
I have heard a cuckoo this year!
I would like to know how they learn to lay eggs in another nest and also how the chick knows to remove the other eggs!! Survival of the fittest and all that!

Isn't this weather glorious!

elaine said...

I've never known much about a Cuckoo bird except that they make wonderful clock ornaments. But, now that I've seen the video clip I feel a little disenchanted with it's type. Of course I know it was born to be this way but what a darn bully! Very interesting facts Louise, thank-you. xox

sheila said...

Never heard one before. Now, a red-winged blackbird I can tell at 50 paces. Very distinctive. And a nuthatch. Courtesy of our Cornell Lab bird song book!

Lesley Todd said...

I was really lucky to see one on the coast path in Cornwall recently. I think it's the first time I've ever seen one and maybe the last! I've been thinking about getting a cuckoo clock recently but it's enough of a mad house already!!

Lori at Jarvis House said...

I wish we had Cuckoos on Long Island. I hear many bird calls, Baltimore Orioles, Cardinals, Robins, Catbirds, Mockingbirds, and doves, but no Cuckoos.

Kat Mortensen said...

Louise - Are you on the go again? I saw your link at my Feedjit site and was so happy because I lost track of you!
