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This isn't the first egg I've found buried whole in my planters!

It's the work of a fox, who being very dexterous can handle, bury and dig up eggs without breaking them.

I'm just glad I didn't break into it with the trowel!

Where on earth it's finding the eggs .. but there's evidence to be found around the garden.

There's no farm nearby, or who keeps chickens? .. a neighbour must be putting them out especially for the opportunist thief.

It stores them away for the next time it's hungry.

I wonder where it's next cache will be found?



Simone said...

How strange! Maybe they are surplus eggs thrown out by a shop? Maybe there is a hen on the loose hiding out in your garden!!! x

nikkipolani said...

Those clever clever foxes!

Flighty said...

We're forever finding eggs, usually with the lion stamp on them, buried on the allotments! Flighty xx

Rita M said...

How strange, probably a wild or lost chicken.
Nice pics Louise

Have a nice day,

life in red shoes said...

Very interesting?

Crafty Green Poet said...

wow, some fox is being very diligent there!

Ford said...

I've found whole eggs in my compost heap. I'd always assumed that it was me. I compost our egg shells and egg boxes; and, thought that I'd left an used one in the box!

Mag said...

The top photo looks so much like a nice fresh mushroom - it had me fooled!

Suburbia said...

I wish I could watch him bury them!

Bumpkin Hill said...

wow fancy finding a whole one, if only it would hatch! Catherine x

Reading Tea Leaves said...

Imagine finding a whole egg in your planter - crafty fox!

Hope you are well Louise and enjoying the lovely sunny weather.


Anniebead said...

I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your blog so much I have nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award.


Garden Centre Canterbury Chartham said...

Wow its a very good post. The information provided by you is really very good and helpful for me. Keep sharing good information..

Esther Montgomery said...

Have you stopped blogging? Seems a shame.

tammy said...

Love this blog post

Trees For Sale said...

We found some eggs at our pond behind a large rock. They were turtles. I believe this is authentic! They got ready to be born and out they came.