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If you want fresh vegetables in the winter, leeks (Musselburgh) are so easy to grow and for a novice vegetable gardener like me, this is good news. My method of growing is to start seed off in a litre pot and when the seedlings are competing against each other (about 8 inches long), that is when I transplant them to the bed. I use the method my Dad uses, which is to simply make a hole in the soil, place the seedling in, and then just fill the hole up with water. Works every time, and this is the result, picked quite young, but of course you can leave until they become fatter, in fact I always leave a few in the ground to go to seed, as the heads are so ornamental and can give any variety of allium a run for their money.

Click on British Leeks for everything you need to know about leeks, including recipes. I love leek and potato soup, but quite often I just saute some in a little butter, add to mashed potato and top with cheese, delicious.


ginny said...

hi Louise,
i love leek and potato soup too. i want to grow some leeks this year. Your method sounds good. when do you plant them? and do you start the pot in a greenhouse or put them straight outside?
by the way... it is great to have you back to visit.. have missed you.

Anonymous said...

These are not a vegetable I was going to grow but since I've been given a packet of seeds...

Threadspider said...

Those are handsome leeks. I grew them for the first time last year and I am going to again.So reliable and lovely to eat too!

cd&m said...

Love leek and potato soup looks like we have the start of an appreciation society here.

Joanna said...

I love leeks, I've got some seeds and am going to give them ago this year. Had a lovely leek bake at the weekend with seeds on the top.

VP said...

Oh yummy! These grower's websites are very good aren't they? I've linked to the onion and potato ones so far and they're a mine of useful info, startling facts and great recipes!