

my photo


This old tree stump sits in a wild area of my garden.

Can you see what I can see?


Anonymous said...

I see that a little creature has made a home in there. Is that what you see too? Happy St. Valentine's Day Louise. xox

Anonymous said...

It looks like a frog, or toad, in the bottom left hand corner which is facing upwards! It's very well camouflaged that's for sure! xx

Marie said...


Poppy said...

It looks like an Elephant too me!
Thanks for your lovely comment, we opened the garden last summer to raise money for Josh’s school, we raised £360, I loved what people had to say about the garden but it did feel strange so people in my private space.
Not sure what to do this summer, it is a good way of raising money for the school.
Love Lou xxx

Suzanne said...

Not sure if I see anything but love the texture of the stump.

Simone said...

The stump looks like a big old brown bear curled up asleep!

life in red shoes said...

Louise! I think I see it! It's a heart shape made by the hole?!?

Anonymous said...

I suppose if I stretch my imagination I could see an elephant there. The color is right and wrinkles with bit of a broken tusk... the curve of a head and trunk. With a creature living in it's eye of course! =) I would pay to see your garden too. Your pictures are amazingly beautiful I can only imagine the whole garden. xox

Suburbia said...

An elephant eye?! Or a lizard?

Selfsewn said...

def elephants behind!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Louise,
I think it looks like an elephant to. What a great picture and a wonderful tree to have in your garden.
Sara from farrmingfriends

Rosezilla (Tracie Walker) said...

Oh, so this is where you've been! I kept checking the other one... nope, I don't see anything, it looks kind of like a sea turtle, maybe...