

my photo


The frozen ground is broken
Where snowdrops raise their heads
And nod their tiny greeting
In glades and garden beds.

The frozen stream is melted
The white brook turns to brown
And foaming through the coppice
Flows helter skelter down.

The frozen air is golden
With February sun
The winter days are over
Oh, has the Spring begun?

P A Ropes



Sal said...

A lovely poem.
We have a bank of Snowdrops..they seem to multiply
each year.It's quite a sight! ;-)

Simone said...

I hope so, very much! x

Mag said...

A lovely post! Just right! Your photo is beautiful!

Suburbia said...

Really hope it has, it's been a long winter!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photo and verse! Flighty xx

ahomespunyear said...

I hope the spring has begun...think it has...there are signs at last!

Glo said...

Hi there Louise :) What a delightful gathering of snowdrops ~ you do know they have green hearts on the inside of their petals, don't you? ;) Look underneath and inside of the flower.

I haven't read that Snowdrop poem before and it is so lovely and fitting for the beginning of spring.

We have had snow drops here, too, but of the flake kind! Hopefully my snowdrops will appear once this weather bucks up.

elaine said...

I am always thrilled to see these little ones brave their pretty heads against the harsh elements. Very nice to read poetry always...