

my photos


... is on.

So today hasn't been the best of days for counting butterflies, but there's plenty of time to get your sightings in.

I'm going to wait for a sunny day!

Big Butterfly Count

To date, all these beautiful butterflies have been regular visitors to my garden.

Above is the Small White on Verbena bonariensis.

A Red Admiral on Cephalaria gigantea.

A Speckled Wood on Buddleia davidii.

A Gatekeeper on Marjoram.

A Common Blue on Stachys byzantina.

A Comma on Euphorbia ?.

Gardening for Butterflies



elaine said...

How do you manage to get them to stay still for a photograph. Lovely pics.

greenthumb said...

Wow you are so lucky to get all those butterflies in your garden.

trish said...

Oh how lucky you are to have such precious visitors to your garden.x

nikkipolani said...

Wonderful, Louise! I like that Common Blue one very well.

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a lovely series of photos and how nice to have such a variety of butterflies visiting your garden

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos Louise, it looks like you will have plenty of butterflies to count when the sun shines! Seeing them in the garden makes wildlife gardening so worthwhile doesn't it?

Suburbia said...

You must have such a lovely-nature happy-garden
Those pics are lovely

Anonymous said...

What a lovely fluttery post! Flighty xx

Rita M said...

Lovely pics Louise!


life in red shoes said...

I have seen a grand total of 1, that's ONE, butterfly in my yard this year. Not good :(

Simone said...

Beautiful photos. The rain has driven our butterflies away! Hopefully once the sun returns (I am hopeful) I will take part in the butterfly count! Just catching up with all your previous posts. I didn't realise you had posted here so frequently recently! x