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TETE-A-TETE - Regard, Unrequited love, Respect

How I like to get head to head with these little beauties, they are a ray of sunshine, especially after a long winter. A lovely dwarf daffodil, so ideal for all those narrow bare strips of soil around the place. Everyone loves big old blousy daffodils, including me, but I just haven't got the sort of garden where I can fit any in, or where I am not going to keep digging up the bulbs by mistake. I hate to be one to miss out, so these are perfect.

Notice that piece of old terracotta in the picture, well my soil is full of it, and shards of glass. For decades, dating back to the early 1900s, the area was the home of a thriving greenhouse and nursery trade, mainly chrysanthemums but also vineries, being demolished to make way for the building of homes in the late sixties, that very site being where I live.


Threadspider said...

Isn't it great to know you are carrying on cultivating a place that has been productive for a long time? I love these little daffodils too-on my hilltop they are more reliable than the big ones-they always end up lying down!

Anonymous said...

I love daffodils,I think because they make everything brighter once a year! No daffs here yet!

BumbleVee said...

that's me ...digging up bulbs by ...

Lesley Todd said...

They're so cheerful and I like the little ones because they're so delicate. I love the history behind your patch although the shards of glass must be a pain. I'm forever digging bits up because our place was an american army base and then a polish refugee camp.

VP said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely. I think I like Daffodils best of all, because they're so cheerful!