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I cannot declare to being a huge fan of this shrub, but we inherited quite a lot when we moved here. Although at this time of year the colours of the variagation do look good together. It is important to remember with any variagated foliage shrub to cut out any stems which revert back to plain green.


Lavinia said...

Thanks for that tip, I didn't know to do that. I have green and beige shrubbery in my front yard; when we first moved to this house it stuck to the window, making a charming effect.

Anonymous said...

That bright green is not unlike the green of the mystery plant of mine that I haven't e-mailed to you yet. (a picture that is, I don't think I can e-mail plants....yet!)
I quite like it.
I remember when I moved in to this house the garden was over run with pampas grass and thankfully we kept none of it. The roots were huge! :o)

Lavinia said...

Hi Louise.....hopped over to see if you've decided to post your 7 quirkies or not...I see you are still *thinking* about it?

Remember, I promised to keep reading your blog no matter what...


Anonymous said...

now i know!!! I always wondered why that happened.
. . . the plant reverting the way it did.

Happy May Day!

Elizabeth said...

Never knew what this shrub was called.In truth, I think I don't like it much.
Maybe because it tends to be grown in the type of garden I don't admire.
I used to hate variegated foliage but it has grown on me.
Hostas, for example, which are very popular on Long Island.
Yes, I bet my neighbors want to duck for cover when they see me coming!

Cowboys and Custard Mercantile said...

I am a big fan of the acid green foliage..It is a wonderful foil for blues and lavender colours..
Must try and replace our scruffy hedge with something like this..
