

my photo


... to one and all, who visit This is my Patch.

Happy new year too, and hope to see you all again in 2010.

Louise x



Glo said...

A very Merry Christmas to you and your family, Louise ~ it's definely a white one over there! Here we are experiencing no snow and fairly bright sunny conditions over the next few days (unlike last year!). Have a wonderful holiday :)

nikkipolani said...

Ah! Perfect for a 'patch' Christmas scene. Merry Christmas :-)

Crafty Green Poet said...

Happy Christmas, isn't a white Christmas lovely? (At least to look at!).

Anonymous said...

That was how the plot looked a few days ago!
Many thanks, and to you too! Here's to a happy gardening 2010. Flighty xx

VP said...

Dear Louise - just popped in to thank you for the lovely card. I'm so glad you're putting the bird book to good use :)

Have a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Pomona said...

And to you, too!

Pomona x

Suburbia said...

Lovely Photo.

Merry Christmas to you and yours too

life in red shoes said...

Same to you Louise! And all good things in the year to come.
Love the photo, it would make a great card.

re said...

Bit late I'm afraid but I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for 2010

ginny said...

wishing you a wonderful 2010 dear Louise,
with warmest wishes
ginny x
p.s. thank you for the sweet card
: ) x

Wienermädel + Co said...

Alles Gute für 2010 aus Wien !!

Lori at Jarvis House said...

Happy New Year to you too. Piles of snow came down on Long Island right before Christmas , which was a very unusual thing. It has been so cold here, without even a tiny break. I hope that some of the garden pests will not make it through the winter, and spring plants will be able to thrive come March and April.

Thomas said...

Hi there,

I'm Thomas from the new blog.

I've written a post called '37 Great Gardening Blogs', which of course includes 'This is My Patch'. You can read the full article here:

We'd would like to know if you have any problems with being included? If you do, please let us know and we'll be happy to remove your site from the list.

We'd also like to make you our 'Gardening Blog of the Week', so if there's any specific information you'd like us to include or if you'd prefer for us not to feature you, please do let us know.

Thanks for your time. Drop us a line anytime.

All the best


(for) Ian Daniels

Dobbies Garden Centres Plc
Melville Nursery
EH18 1AZ
Tel: 0131 663 6778