What with one thing and another, (all of which I daresay will be revealed in my home blog in the very near future) and running another blog alongside this one, I have not been able to post a garden article for a while. I really must get off this computer and out into the garden today, so hopefully soon I shall have something to share with you. Don't forget to pop back in a day or two, or three!
In the meantime, I hope you are all working hard in your gardens and watching the lovely wildlife that visits.
Back indoors soon, Louise x
Louise I am so pleased that we have met through blogging! I love your idea of ~WI..womans institute!~
The first snow has fallen so my garden begins it's long winter sleep but I still take care of all the feeders for my visiting friends!
hugs NG
Like NG, the snow has fallen - although I optimistically think it will melt before it really settles in!
I enjoy your polls!
Hello Louise
I bought a coconut shell stuffed with fat and seeds for the birds today and hung it from my rose arbour.
I do hope they visit soon.. Pickles wont be able to reach this one!
Louise.. you are a garden guru.. should I bring my hyacinth bulbs in from the garden that I potted up yesterday? They are the outdoor variety (?) but I am not sure what to do with them as I have never grown them before.. any advice gladly received.
Well, I am out in my garden, but, alas, not gardening! Have been stringing up Christmas lights on the shrubs, on the fence, and around the arbor. What are you sowing?
It was a touch cold here in London today so I was glad to be at the bookshop. I should be on the plot for a while tomorrow, just pottering and pondering!
Hope you have a wonderful day in the garden!
Have a very blessed day!
smiles, kari and kijsa
Goodmorning Louise
I wasn't sure where to leave this reply but I guess you will find it wherever I leave it..
Thank you so much for your hyacinth advise.. I have a hunch I might need to bring the pots in if it stays too wet.. I don't want them to rot off.
What a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary and WHAT an anniversary.. I shall very much miss your posts but look forward to your return with tales of far off lands..
hope you had a good day in your garden, we are starting to get lots of birds in again this month...think the neighbours have stopped feeding them.
Suzie Sews
PS thanks for the lovely comments you left me!!!
Enjoy your garden time, as we will enjoy whatever you blog.
I have been watching the wildlife from the comfort of the window! It's been a bit grey and miserable today. Really pleased that we had a pair of woodpeckers in the garden yesterday. The first time we've ever seen Mr & Mrs at the same time. Stay warm! x
Have fun in your garden!
I walk past my main bed everyday, on the way to my shed, and then just have to look away again! hee hee!
I do miss my allotment alot, I used to love all the planning at this time of year...hmmmm.
anyway, I hope you had a good day and got your hands dirty :0)
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